SPM science

Discover the latest SPM discoveries

Realize the full potential of SPMs

‘Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators’ (SPMs) are a large family of naturally occurring lipid mediators derived from EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids. The science behind SPMs is fast-evolving and represents an exciting new area of research. Greater scientific understanding of the inflammatory response, including the molecules and pathways involved, highlights the essential role of SPMs in helping to resolve inflammation and infection – enabling tissue healing and restoring the tissue environment to homeostasis. 

Resolution of Inflammation and the Key Role of SPMs

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is a natural and protective response to tissue damage, cellular injury, pathogens or irritants that helps to eliminate invasive organisms and repair damaged tissues.

Resolution of inflammation

Resolution of inflammation is an important part of the inflammatory response. It is an active process that signals the end of the inflammatory reaction, allowing the return to homeostasis. Excessive or chronic inflammation may occur when the response is not ‘switched off’.

SPMs resolve inflammation

SPMs – known as Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators – act as stop signals in the inflammatory response. They also help to ‘clean up’ cellular debris from the injured area after the immune system is triggered, enhance tissue regeneration and reduce pain. SPMs are the active metabolites from EPA and DHA omega-3s biosynthesized endogenously, and are the molecules that exhibit pro-resolution activity.

Resolution vs anti-inflammation

Resolution is the natural path in which the immune system terminates the inflammatory response through SPM action. Anti-inflammation refers to inhibition of the natural process and alteration of the immune response in order to stop the process.

What is immunosuppression?

Current treatments for inflammation can be effective, but many eventually become immunosuppressive – meaning they block the inflammatory response and do not resolve damage or clean the cellular debris. This will eventually affect the body’s ability to fight infections and other diseases. On the other hand, SPMs do not inhibit inflammation, but rather resolve it naturally.

SPMs role in health and disease

Excessive inflammation plays a role in 75% of chronic health conditions, leading to reduced quality of life, slower recovery and poorer patient outcomes. Discover the latest science behind SPMs, including their role in resolving uncontrolled inflammation in common therapeutic areas: